Say no to bladder leakage with EMSELLA.
In Central Oregon, we are on the go. From hiking and biking to skiing and climbing, the outdoors beckon us to play every day. But bathrooms aren’t always accessible in some of the most beautiful parts of our great outdoors. Battling with urinary incontinence can create challenges, not only for enjoying all of the recreation opportunities outside our doors but for enjoying life in general.
Urinary incontinence is defined as the uncontrollable or involuntary leakage of urine. For years, people didn’t talk about their problem with incontinence, but thankfully, quality of life is taking center stage, and more people are coming forward to find treatments to address their leakage problem. There are three types of urinary incontinence.
What Causes Urinary Incontinence?
Various factors, such as a weak pelvic floor or pelvic floor dysfunction, nerve damage, infection, low hormone levels, medication and substances, and underlying medical conditions, can cause incontinence. It can sometimes be triggered or exacerbated by pregnancy and vaginal delivery, prostate surgery, or advancing age.
The pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles that support the pelvic organs like a sling. Weak or dysfunctional pelvic floor muscles can cause the bladder to tilt and leak, inhibiting your ability to control the urine flow once started. Addressing pelvic floor dysfunction is one of the most impactful ways to affect change and improve the symptoms of incontinence. Traditional treatments, such as medication and surgery, don’t address the strength of the pelvic floor muscles and don’t always fix that component of the underlying issue, which can leave many patients with ongoing leakage issues.
So how do we develop and strengthen the pelvic floor? Perhaps you’ve been told to “do your kegels.” Kegels are so important because they help strengthen the pelvic floor. However, many people don’t do kegels correctly or don’t do enough to be effective. This is where EMSELLA comes in.
Find out if EMSELLA can help you. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Carey by clicking the button below.
EMSELLA is a breakthrough treatment for both MEN and WOMEN with urinary incontinence and is clinically proven to improve incontinence of ALL types by about 70%! As a non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical alternative to many traditional treatments, EMSELLA uses high-frequency electromagnetic or HiFEM energy to deliver thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions in a single session. Even if you are religiously doing your kegels, it is impossible to do 11,000 kegels in 28 minutes, let alone 11,000 maximally effective contractions, like EMSELLA will create.
EMSELLA is non-invasive. During the treatment, you are fully clothed and will sit on a special seat designed to deliver focused electromagnetic (HiFEM) energy to your pelvic floor. In one 28-minute session, you will receive thousands of pelvic floor muscle contractions or the equivalent of 11,000 kegels. Each contraction strengthens your pelvic floor and gets you one step closer to improved bladder control. No sweat or towels are necessary for this pelvic floor workout! this item.
EMSELLA is NOT a painful procedure. The treatment starts as a vibrating or tingling sensation and moves through several different contraction patterns, where the patient can feel their pelvic floor muscles contracting. Most people describe their first treatment as unusual and intense (they have never felt a kegel like that before!) but NOT painful. Once you know what to expect, subsequent treatments are a breeze.
Most people start with a series of six treatments, delivered about twice weekly for three weeks. Individuals with more significant symptoms may benefit from more treatments. You will receive a personalized consultation before you embark on your EMSELLA journey, and Dr. Carey will customize a treatment plan based on your unique needs.
Most people start with a series of six treatments, delivered about twice weekly for three weeks. Individuals with more significant symptoms may benefit from more treatments. You will receive a personalized consultation before you embark on your EMSELLA journey, and Dr. Carey will customize a treatment plan based on your unique needs.
Many people benefit from pelvic floor PT, and we appreciate the expertise of our physical therapy colleagues. We also partner with several PTs in Bend who feel their patients would benefit from EMSELLA. EMSELLA is instrumental for people that have difficulty achieving effective kegels, despite the guidance of their physical therapist. Additionally, pelvic floor PT typically involves an internal exam, which can be intimidating or uncomfortable for some individuals. With EMSELLA, there is no internal exam or probe, meaning this procedure has NO invasive component.
Some essential contraindications to be aware of include active cancer, pregnancy, cardiac pacemakers or other implanted devices, and metal in the treatment area, including the copper or Paraguard IUD. (Don’t worry. Mirena is okay!) If you are interested in this procedure, be assured that you will undergo a full consultation to ensure this treatment is appropriate and safe for you.
The HiFEM energy that EMSELLA utilizes to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles stimulates muscle growth, which also involves improved blood flow and additional nerve endings. For women, this results in enhanced sensation and increased desire. And guess what, fellas, sexual performance is improved for men, also by improved blood flow. This is especially effective in male cyclists who have developed scarring in the area of the prostate, men who have undergone prostate surgery, or men who have erectile dysfunction related to blood flow issues. EMSELLA is a non-invasive treatment that helps with incontinence in men and women and also improves our sex lives. Any takers?
If you live in Central Oregon, have urinary incontinence, are interested in boosting your sex life, and would like to explore how EMSELLA can help you, we invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Carey. During the appointment, Dr. Carey will learn about your specific concerns and health conditions and provide recommendations for achieving your goals.
Say goodbye to urinary incontinence and hello to EMSELLA. Schedule your treatment in our Bend, OR office today, and find out if EMSELLA is right for you!